

Approximate measurements:
Diameter: 6.5 centimeters
Height: 2.5 centimeters
Candle burning time: 6 hours

Approximate measurements:
Diameter: 6.5 centimeters
Height: 2.5 centimeters
Candle burning time: 6 hours

The literal meaning of a word Mandala is circle and circles have very powerful significance in countless religions and traditions. For example, Ancient Hindu scriptures depict mandalas as a period of creativity, of powerful existence, and a symbol of deeper connection with the self and the universe at large. In modern day, mandalas have become a popular symbol of meditation, which aids in enhancing focus, silencing thoughts while meditating, combating stress and anxiety, appreciating the beauty of nature, and forming a greater connection with oneself.

The Mandala candle is suitable for relaxation, meditation or just as a decoration. It can help achieve a peace of mind, get in a state of balance, emotional calm and well-being.


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